How I Knew I Had Colon Cancer? Survival Rate, Stages and Treatment

How I Knew I Had Colon Cancer
How I knew I had Colon Cancer? colon cancer often doesn’t produce symptoms until its early stages, making screening essential. Once cancer spreads, it could produce signs such as:
Changes to Your Bowel Habits: Any lasting alteration to the way you eat, such as constipation, diarrhea, or changes to stool texture that does not resolve over a couple of days, should be examined by healthcare experts as possible signs of colon cancer. If these changes improve slowly, professionals must seek consultation as soon as possible.
Blood in the Rectal Area or Stool: Stool blood may appear bright red, deep red, or even black and black; sometimes, it won’t be evident to an untrained eye and requires the fecal occult blood test for identification. If you notice that your stool contains bloody patches or suspect it contains hidden blood, seek medical advice immediately from a health conditions expert and healthcare provider.
Consistent Abdominal Pain: Could it be colon cancer? Persistent gas, cramps, or another discomfort that won’t go away could be a telltale sign of colon cancer. You might experience constipation or bloating following large meals as well.
Unexpected Fatigue or Weakness: Feelings of weakness could be a telltale sign of colon cancer, especially when combined with other symptoms. This could be caused by blood clots, anemia, or the body reacting against an expanding tumor.
Unexpected Weight Loss: Weight loss without changing diet or exercise could be an early warning sign of colon cancer. The loss could be due to cancerous tumors blocking nutrients from entering the body or simply the body responding to increased demands put upon its metabolism by cancer cells.
Incomplete Bowel Movements (IBMs): If you experience the frequent need for a bowel movement even after having had one, this could indicate colon cancer.
Important Note: For “How I knew I had Colon Cancer?” it’s essential to recognize these symptoms could be due to several conditions, including hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease, or irritable bowel syndrome – early diagnosis is critical for successful treatments and outcomes. Therefore it’s wise not to ignore any ongoing symptoms but consult a medical specialist immediately for diagnosis and treatment advice. You should know “What is colon cancer?”.

What is Colon Cancer?
Colon cancer (or colorectal cancer), also called colorectal cancer, starts in the large colon (large intestine) or rectum, both parts of the digestive system that handle food and waste from our bodies. Together, they form part of the lower portion of our digestive (GI) tract, where waste material and food products are processed before removal from the body. After explaining “What is Colon Cancer?” there are some essential points you should know:
Regular Colonoscopy Screenings for Early Detection of Colon Cancer
Most colon cancers begin as noncancerous polyps, which may develop into cancerous growths. Regular screenings through colonoscopy procedures are crucial to detect and prevent cancer at an early stage.
The Spread and Prognosis of Colon Cancer Cells
Colon cancer cells may invade nearby tissues and spread (metastasize) to other body parts via the lymphatic system or bloodstream, including the lungs or liver. Their expansion and spread determine treatment options as well as prognosis.
Risk Factors Associated with Colon Cancer
Colon cancer remains poorly understood; however, various risk factors increase your chance of being diagnosed, including age-related mutations or family history, certain medical conditions, and lifestyle habits such as eating habits, lack of exercise, smoking, and an excess intake of alcohol.
Symptoms and Importance of Regular Screening for Colon Cancer
Signs of colon cancer include changes to bowel habits and rectal bleeding, bloody stool, abdominal discomfort or pain, fatigue, weakness, and unproven weight loss. Unfortunately, many people with colon cancer do not show any symptoms until later stages; that is why regular screenings for those at risk or aged 45+ are so essential.
Various Treatment Options for Colon Cancer
Treatment options for colon cancer depend on the extent and location of tumor growth. Treatment may involve chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy – with early diagnosis increasing the chances of successful treatment and survival.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer
These symptoms of colon cancer are the most prevalent indicators, but other indicators could also exist that could indicate it:
Anaemia: Colon cancer can reduce red blood cell production, leading to anemia symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, and pale, swollen skin. These may all make you weak.
Bowel Obstruction: Symptoms of colon cancer may lead to an obstruction of the colon, which obstructs the bowel. Signs of such obstruction include severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and inability to eliminate gas or move stools freely.
Ascites: When colon cancer reaches the abdominal cavity, a build-up of fluid (ascites ) may accumulate, causing abdominal swelling and discomfort.
Jaundice: If colon cancer spreads to the liver area, it could result in jaundice and an increase in eye and skin pigment due to an accumulation of bilirubin within the blood.
Abnormal Blood Clotting: People with symptoms of colon cancer could experience abnormal blood clotting within their veins – known as deep vein blood clots (DVT). DVT may lead to swelling, pain, and redness in the affected legs.
Important Note: As your symptoms may be caused by other illnesses that don’t point toward cancer, it’s essential to immediately discuss any abnormal changes in your body with your healthcare provider. Early detection of colon cancer increases your chance of successful treatment significantly. Scheduling regular screenings and discussing any concerns with your healthcare provider are essential measures to maintaining health. If you suspect anything amiss, seeking professional assessment and diagnosis are the next steps.

What Causes Colon Cancer?
Be mindful that having one or more risk factors does not guarantee colon cancer will affect you; many patients do not exhibit any known risk factors. There may be several potential causes and risk factors:
Age: The risk for colon cancer increases as you age, becoming most common after age 50.
Family History: Individuals who have an ancestor with colon cancer or hereditary conditions such as Lynch syndrome (hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer) or familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) have a greater chance of contracting the illness themselves.
Personal History: Colorectal polyps and other inflammatory bowel disorders, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, could increase your chances of colon cancer.
Food: Diets high in processed and red meats and low in vegetables, fruits, and fiber have been associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. A lifestyle that lacks physical exercise: Not getting enough exercise has also been linked with an increased likelihood of colon cancer development.
Obesity, Smoking, and Excessive Drinking: Obesity increases your risk for colon cancer, particularly for men. Regularly smoking cigarettes increases this risk further, while excessive drinking has also increased the risk of colon cancer development.
Diabetes:Â People with type 2 diabetes are at increased risk for colon cancer. Race: African Americans account for most colon cancer cases within the US, while Ashkenazi Jews may be more prone to contracting the illness through genetic influences.
Important Note: Maintaining the ideal lifestyle – including eating a balanced diet, regularly exercising, and forgoing alcohol and smoking – is vital to lowering the chances of colon cancer. Regular screenings such as colonoscopies can also be invaluable for early detection, especially if a family history or risk factors are present; speak to your physician for personalized recommendations on prevention and screening measures.

Colon Cancer Stages
Colon cancer Stages refer to the extent and spread of cancer across a patient’s body. Staging plays an essential role in identifying both treatment plans and prognoses, so the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) employs the TNM staging system, which measures the size/extent of cancer, involvement of lymph nodes (N), metastasis spread by distant metastasis (M), as well as distance metastasis spread (M). Based on TNM classifications, colon cancer stages range from 0-IV, with brief descriptions below:
Stage 0 Colon Cancer
At Stage 0 (Carcinoma Present), cancerous lesions have only spread into the inner lining of the rectum or colon and have not advanced further into more dense layers or other parts of the body. Treatment typically entails the removal of tumor-bearing polyps by colonoscopy or surgery.
Stage 1 Colon Cancer
Stage 1 Colon Cancer has spread to either the colon wall or rectum but hasn’t spread to nearby lymph nodes or distant locations, usually necessitating surgery to eliminate affected colon sections. In most cases, further treatments aren’t required.
Stage 2 Colon Cancer
Stage 2 Colon Cancer can be divided into three stages (IIA, IIB, and IIC), depending on its penetration into the colon wall and surrounding organs. Although not spreading to lymph nodes or distant organs, stage II colon cancer typically requires surgery. Depending on individual risk factors, additional therapies such as chemotherapy may also be considered.
Stage 3 Colon Cancer
In Stage 3 Colon Cancer, cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes but not further. The Stage is subdivided into three subcategories (IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC) depending on the extent and the number of lymph nodes involved. Treatment typically includes surgery followed by chemotherapy therapy to minimize future recurrences.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Stage 4 Colon cancer stage IV occurs when a tumor has metastasized to distant organs or tissues, such as the lungs, liver, or peritoneum. The Stage is subdivided into sub-stages (IVA and IVB) depending on its degree of metastasis; treatment options in Stage IV of colon cancer often include surgical procedures, chemotherapy-specific therapy, immunotherapy radiation therapy depending on size and area of metastasis, and overall patient health conditions.
Important Note: Consult a physician immediately after discovering any symptoms or being confirmed with colon cancer if anyone close to you has been confirmed as suffering. A professional assessment, accurate staging, and tailored treatment plans should all be in place before starting any regimen for colon cancer.

Colon Cancer Survival Rate
Colon cancer survival rate, provides an idea of their outlook; however, these numbers should only be taken as estimates as individual results may vary significantly. Our rates are based on five-year survival rates, which compare the life expectancies of people with colon cancer to that of all people today.
American Cancer Society reports five-year relative survival rates for stage III colon cancer.
Stage 1 Colon Cancer Survival Rate
Stage I survival rate stands at 92% over five years; for stage II substages A and B, it drops down to approximately 87%, while IIC has approximately 37% survival.
Stage 2 Colon Cancer Survival Rate
Historically, the 5-year survival rate for Stage IIA colon cancer has been around 80-85%, and for Stage IIB, it has been around 60-70%.
Stage 3 Colon Cancer Survival Rate
Stage III: Survival rates vary between sub-stages: Stage IIIA has an estimated 89% rate, 69% in Stage IIIB, and 53% in Stage IIIC.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer Survival Rate
Stage IV: Rate of Survival Dependent upon Degree of Metastasis Stage IVA: Approximately 15%.
Important Note: These survival rates for Stage IVB cancer patients diagnosed and treated more than five years ago do not reflect current treatments and outcomes; additionally, many factors could impact an individual’s outlook, including age, general health issues, and how well cancer responds to treatments.

Treatments of Colon Cancer
Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, occurs when malignant cells invade and spread throughout the large intestine or colon. Treatment options for colon cancer depend on many factors, including its level of progression, location within the colon, age/well-being/other medical issues affecting an individual, and other medical issues or concerns that might need to be addressed simultaneously.
Common Cancer Treatment Options: Cancer treatments typically include chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy, although combinations may also be effective.
Surgery: Surgery is typically the initial approach to treating colon cancer, aiming to eliminate cancerous tissues and nearby lymph nodes. Depending on its Stage and location, surgeons may perform either partial (removal of small portions of the colon) or total colectomy procedures or Proctocolectomy (removal from both rectum and colon).
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy employs chemotherapy drugs to eliminate cancerous cells. Chemotherapy may be administered before or after surgery and, in certain instances, with radiation therapy; its type depends on cancer’s Stage and location.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to destroy cancerous cells. The therapy can be applied before, following, or in combination with surgery and chemotherapy treatments commonly employed to treat rectal cancer.
Targeted therapy: Targeted cancer therapy is an emerging method that uses medication to target proteins or molecules involved in cancer’s spread and development, such as proteins associated with cell division or proliferation. Targeted therapy often serves as an adjunct therapy alongside radiation or chemotherapy treatments.
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy is an alternative form of cancer treatment that strengthens your body’s immunity to fight off cancerous cells. This option is beneficial when colon cancer has spread throughout the human body.
Note: Patients diagnosed with colon cancer can also benefit from palliative care, which aims to improve living quality for those with advanced cancer, including pain management, emotional support, and other services.

How to Prevent Colon Cancer?
Colon cancer is preventable, and various strategies exist to lower your risk.
Get Screened: Colon cancer screenings are essential in identifying and eliminating cancerous polyps before they turn malignant; according to the American Cancer Society’s recommendation, regular screening for moderate-risk individuals beginning around age 45 begins.
Through Diet: Following a balanced and nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while limiting red meat, processed food, and saturated fat consumption can lower your chances of colon cancer.
Exercise: Exercising regularly can decrease your chances of colon cancer. Aim to complete at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity workouts each week.
Stop smoking cigarettes: Cigarette smoking has been linked with an increased risk of colon cancer, so discontinuing its use is essential to lower that risk and mitigate disease progression.
Limiting Alcohol Consumption: As alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer, it’s wise to limit your alcohol consumption. According to the American Cancer Society’s recommendations, women should drink no more than one drink daily, and two for men.
Be Active and Healthy: To reduce the risks of colon cancer, staying fit and eating healthily are two crucial components to living an enjoyable life. Being overweight has been linked with an increased chance of colon cancer, making being active and eating healthily even more crucial.
Check your family history: If any family member has had colon cancer or another type of cancer, speak with a physician immediately regarding when and how often to be checked for cancer.
Conclusion for How I Knew I Had Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is one of the few preventable cancers, treatable through prompt detection and medical treatments, that is treatable with early intervention and timely medical interventions. To reduce your risk of colon cancer, it’s essential to have your colon screened regularly, maintain an appropriate diet and lifestyle, understand family histories of relatives with this illness as well as consult your GP if signs that could indicate colon cancer appear; but remember these symptoms could also indicate other illnesses altogether. A regular screening program provides the best chance for early diagnosis, allowing more painless treatments and early identification of precancerous polyps before they become cancerous!
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
How did I know I had colon cancer?
Colon cancer typically does not show symptoms until its later stages, making screening an essential practice. As colon cancer progresses, it may cause changes to your bowel habits as well as bloody stool or abdominal pain, unprompted weight loss, or fatigue. If any one or more of these symptoms apply to you or if there is a family history of colon cancer, screening should speak with a healthcare expert to explore available screening options.
How do you deal with cancer symptoms?
Treating cancer-related symptoms requires various approaches, from complementary therapies and medical therapies to lifestyle modifications and lifestyle modifications. Traditional techniques like radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery are effective in managing cancer symptoms; alternative therapies like massage therapy, meditation, lifestyle modifications including healthy eating plans, regular physical activity, and stress reduction methods may also be effective in managing symptoms effectively.
Do you feel anything when you have colon cancer?
Colon cancer usually does not present with symptoms during its early stages. However, as cancer progresses, it may cause changes to bowel routine and stool volume, abdominal pain, unprovoked weight loss, and fatigue – making early diagnosis of colon cancer highly recommended if any symptoms or family histories indicate risk. You must speak to a healthcare provider regarding screening options if symptoms arise or have relatives at increased risk.